Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Reactions to the Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency

I was very shocked to see the GREAT ORATOR, Barrack Obama, stuttering his way through many of the tough questions on religion, ethics, and morals. I felt that many of his answers were very generic and simple. I am worried that Obama is using this forum as an opportunity to bamboozle Americans into believing he is a man of strong religious morals and value's. Many Americans will not take the time to research where Obama stands on many of the important social and moral issues that currently plague our country. His record is a prime example of his pro-choice liberalism that has eroded our country to it's current culture of death & Godless Nation. I am please to hear that Obama does not support same-sex marriages and faith-based organization, but again I hope that this is not just lip service to gain the conservative vote. After listening to many of Obama's answers, I hope that I am not the only one who heard the underlying answers...HIGHER TAXES. Obama promises many services and opportunities for all Americans, but the key question is HOW DOES HE PLAN TO FUND SUCH SERVICES AND OPPORTUNITIES... RAISE YOUR TAXES??------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As an avid conservative, it bothers me when Conservatives and Republicans constantly invoke the name of Ronald Reagan. I do believe that Reagan is one of the best Presidents we have had and represented outstanding policies and issues. However, it is easy to pledge alliance to Reagan Conservatism, but difficult to stand for your own true conservative principles. McCain's tales from his POW experiences and his testimony of his Christian Faith pulling him through unthinkable harm only proves that his faith and experiences makes him qualified to take control of our country. I am proud to hear McCain effortlessly say that the right of the child begins at the time of conception, marriage is between one man and one woman, and stem cell research is unacceptable when lives are being created for destruction. McCain's dedication for strong National Security and working across the aisle to provide it, shows the advantage McCain has over Obama. As mentioned by my roommate, McCain is a NO B.S. kind of man. McCain tells you how he stands on issues and what he plans to do about the issues facing our nation. Obama danced around many of the answers, especially when defining when a child attains rights.

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