Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Match Made In Heaven

We have all been on pins and needles awaiting the nomination of John McCain’s Vice Presidential Candidate. Talking heads speculated, Conservatives prayed, and Democrats were whooping it up in Denver at their National Convention. The short list contained the names of former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jihndahl, and Florida Governor Charlie Christ, but Senator McCain picked a hockey mom from Wasilla, Alaska. Sarah Palin, age forty-four, is a mother of five and has been active in Civic Service since serving on the local PTA. She was elected to the Wasilla City Council in 1992, was elected as Mayor of Wasilla in 1996, and elected the first woman and youngest Governor of Alaska in December 2006. As Governor, Palin has fought against and revealed corruption among the Alaskan Republican Party, opposed the “Bridge to Nowhere”, and encouraged the growth of the Alaskan economy. She is praised by Conservatives for being of strong faith, an advocate of the Pro-Life Movement, and a friend of the Second Amendment.Senator John McCain is not the ideal choice by Conservatives; even some Republicans are hesitant of his maverick behavior. I am confident in the choice of McCain as the Republican Presidential nominee. Our next President needs to have the military experience to lead our troops in a time of war and the foreign policy expertise to protect our nation from threats within and abroad. McCain has a strict record of fighting Pork Barrel spending in Washington and reaching across the aisle to achieve the best for America.Governor Palin will provide the fiscal and social conservatism needed for the Republican and Conservative base to rally around the presumptive nominee’s. She also will appeal to mothers and women, shattering that glass ceiling Geraldine Ferraro and Hillary Clinton have cracked away at. Palin is proof that women can be loving mothers and still be a career woman, even in the vicious world of politics. Governor Palin has the executive experience that no other Presidential or Vice Presidential candidate has; making her highly qualified to handle domestic issues. I have complete faith in McCain’s choice of running mate and hope that as people get to know her, they will become captivated by her story and charisma. Regardless of your political affiliation or views, Americans have an opportunity to make history this election. I urge everyone who is not registered to vote to visit your local Election Commissioner or County Clerk. It is our duty as American’s to be actively involved in our political system and this election should not only encourage, but inspire our generation to be involved.

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