Thursday, January 17, 2008

Outraged by Immigration Idiocy

Just watching Fox News and was so outraged by this story I had to blog about it!

Fox News reported that Mexican Senators will be meeting with Arizona lawmakers (in Arizona) to criticize their sanction laws- penalizing employers who are hiring illegal immigrants. Mexican Senators disapprove of these sanction laws because these illegal immigrants would we forced back into Mexico and a lot of the towns where they would be returning to "can't handle the influx of citizens and there are not enough job opportunities....." Well tough titty! Maybe if the Mexican economy would get their poop in a group and work to create more jobs, they wouldn't have so many people coming to the U.S. to get jobs. And what enrages me more, is the fact that the Mexican government has Federal sanction laws restricting the hiring of illegal immigrants (who in their right mind would illegally migrate to Mexico anyway? Well besides that bastard Marine who raped and murdered his fellow Marine). What a great example of hypocrisy on the part of the Mexican government. And why are we letting them come over to our country to criticize our laws and promote lawbreaking? I have to give props to the Senators and legislators who have took a strong stance and are fighting Mexican lawmakers to protect Americans and the American economy!

In the matter of time it has taken me to blog the above story, Fox News also began discussing laws allowing employers to require only English be spoken at the work place. This is America and I think the first thing our next President or our Congress needs to do is pass a bill making English our National Language! Learn our language, come here the legal way, OR GET AND STAY OUT!

story on Mexican lawmakers criticizing Arizona sanction laws:

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